
How I titled the blog

"Dare to Dream"!

Selecting a title for this blog was taken seriously. I wanted it to reflect a bit of my spirit, drive and philosophy. For many years, when counselling young people on choosing a career path, I have encouraged them to: "Dare to dream...then go for it!" Some have taken the challenge, some have not. Everyone is made a bit different and makes choices for a variety of reasons known to them. I hope some have had some happiness and success as a result of my counsel.

I believe this reflects what has partly driven me to follow a career in searching for natural resources in different parts of the world. The dream of a new discovery, a new place to see, new people to meet, new experiences, new challenges, a new project to build and maybe accomplish something I haven't done before. 

It seems i was born this way, a dreamer. One time my mother went to see my teacher on parents' day at school, you know that day when your mom (dad didn't go very often) would get all the skinny about you from your techers. You hoped she wouldn't hear the stories about how you blew spit balls at other students through the hollowed barrel of your pen. This was in grade 4 or 5. When she asked the teacher: "How is my Jimmy doing?" the teacher responded: "He could do so well if he just wouldn't dream so much!" So there, I was an early dreamer! I still am at almost 70 years old. I'm dreaming of my next project and how to put it together, finance it and make it work.

Have all my dreams come true? Nope. But some have. We'll get into those later on in other posts. If I hadn't had a dream I may not have had the wonderful career I have had during the past ~50 years! I wouldn't change a thing about it.

My comment to you, the reader: "Dare to dream...then go for it!" You might have a lot of fun and and meet some wonderful people and enjoyed the beauty of God's Planet.

Have a great day!


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